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Happy 3rd Birthday SEDA!

Three years ago today, I opened the doors to the biggest adventure of my life. Much bigger than the move to London, this was my baby... Something I could nurture and put all my time into and call my own. Starting from scratch and not really having a clear idea of what to do, it is safe to say that I am still learning but have the greatest family.

The Academy is still growing, only consisting of 40 odd children, but every single one of them, I know and have the upmost respect and understanding for.

Being a dance teacher is far more than learning some new moves to teach in your next session, it's about understanding and listening to the children, being there for them as a friend and role model.

I can say, hand on heart, that the children do open up to me and trust me to talk to them. That is what I love most. I can help them in any way I can, offering lifts, advice, parental support, whatever comes our way. We work together and bounce ideas off one another.

People often wonder what is different about our school, there are so many cliche answers which most schools use for their motto. SEDA is so unique, that there is no pressure only support, respect and family. You would have to be in our environment to know what we mean. But I am confident in saying that if you are wanting all of those little points for your child, bring them along to us and even though the style may not be for them, they will enjoy the class, make friends and enjoy the atmosphere. As long as they have a smile on their face, I have done my job :)

The company is still growing and I would like to think that over this next year, we can push it to the next level. It isn't about the numbers for me, but that we have children who want to come on board and be part of our teams. If you know of someone who would be interested, please assure them that their first class is free and that they can take part in as much or as little as they like.

What more can you ask for?

Hope that everyone has a great day and enjoys the start of Autumn! (Miss Sophie's favourite time of year!)

Lots of love,

Miss Sophie


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